It wasn't unusual in early American cinema for Directors to make films within very fast schedules... Some of the studios demanded it and landmark filmmakers like Samuel Fuller used the constraints of time and resoucres to push the cinematic envelope. His remarkable film Shock Corridor was filmed in 14 Days. Similarly, John Ford had already shot The Informer in 14 Days and the early debut of both Charles Bronson and Roger Corman - Machine Gun Kelly - was shot in 12 days.
Through rigorous rehearsal and storyboarding Fuller would make every shot count, disguising his low-budget genre films as much larger mainstream fare.
In our digitally obsessed age - Ultra fast Fuji Eterna Vivid 500T film stock still brings numerous advantages to production. It has unmatched performance hand-held in low light. Grading is faster and cheaper. While digital tries to emulate film - film just IS. Similarly the Arri Sr-3 16mm camera package from Panavision comes with a set of very fast lenses - stopping down to 1.3. With special processing expertise and HD telecine delivered by iLab we are able to simulate the speed, workflow and intense creativity of those founding fathers of independent film.
R-O-R was conceived to be shot on a few locations that are literally next door to each other.. This saves time and resoucres - enabling us to concentrate on working with the actors, while creating a dramatic look and feel We will use mostly Practical lighting and a great deal of mise-en-scene - such as costumes and props - will be stripped-down to bare essentials, like in a western.
From day-one of prep, through pre-production, our 18 day shoot in Shoreditch - then post and taking the film to market...All aspects of the filmmaking journey will be chronicled in our on-line Filmmaker's Blog. We plan to post clips, discuss workflow and detail both trials and victories. For some this might just be an entertainment, for others perhaps a useful blueprint for low-budget production...seful blueprint for low-budget production...seful blueprint for low-budget production...seful blueprint for low-budget production...seful blueprint for low-budget production...seful blueprint for low-budget production...seful blueprint for low-budget production...